Sunday, April 29, 2012

We witnessed a miracle today! I woman delivered one of her twins in her village 2 days ago and came to the hospital with the other one still inside of her. I did not want to put the ultrasound on her, but when I did the other twin had a healthy heartbeat! We brought her to surgery, and delivered a healthy little boy. We all were teary (including the mom) when he cried! I am not sure how the woman got to the hospital, but many times it is by donkey or donkey cart to the road, then motorcycle or an overstuffed taxi. It may take a day or two. It is amazing that she and her baby didn't loose much blood, and she didn't have signs of infection. Praise God!

The community here is incredible. The men, women and children that dedicate their lives to full time mission work are inspiring. They cook amazing meals with limited access and supply. They are real with their emotions, but always have a sense of God's peace and provision. They live out the meaning of sacrifice, and exude a palpable joy even in the midst of pain, suffering, heat, dust, and tragedy. Please pray for the missionaries of Galmi hospital. They are truly the hands and feet of Christ here.
The hospital administrator that also doubles as a lab technician interpreted for me today as I told the 15 year old girl and her grandmother that she would be unable to have babies. I explained that most likely even without the surgery she would not have gotten pregnant, and now without her uterus ( which was engulfed by the tumor), she certainly would not have babies. The administrator explained to them the need to be honest with any man pursuing marriage. In his marry here to have children. If she failed to tell him and then failed to get pregnant, he might beat her and would almost for sure take another wife. I pray she knows her identity in Christ, and that others see that in her. She has a beautiful smile.
There is never a day without death here, and never a day without joy. The people here are so grateful, and kind. I am humbled by their responses to bad news, pain, and suffering. Most are just trying to make it through the day. I remember Hal saying that people here think that we must have a hard time being a Christian in America with all the distractions, noise and busyness in our lives. I think they are right. When you  have nothing, you really understand your need for God.

I am trying to focus on trust because that decreases worry, and gratitude because that decreases self pity. Our pastor once said "your faith will be revealed by how you respond to everyday events".....
With a thankful heart,


  1. Praise God for that! and I totally agree about the distractions here in America. That is a profound truth. Thank you for your faithful accounts. God bless.

  2. Hi Drea! I look forward to reading your posts everyday. After reading them, I'm in awe! It takes a strong person, after experiencing what you have in the first few days, to get up everyday and keep going. I don't know how you find the strength, especially when that's not the "norm" for us. You are an inspiration and truly an amazing person! Those women are very lucky to be in your care and Hal's as well! Stay strong and take care of your self as well.
    ~Lori Kelly :)
    P.S. I like seeing the pics :) How Hal doing? Has he done this before?

  3. Drea! Just wanted to say your name out loud! Thank you for sharing! God bless the patients and staff at Galmi!

  4. Thank you for your wonderful writing Drea! It must be so hard to put your thoughts down because they are swirling in your very tired brain. Hal emailed me to check your blog and I appreciate him connecting me to it.
    I am very interested in all you are doing. My good friends, the Palmers, are teaching at the compound and I believe you have eaten with them.
    I will continue to follow your entries.
    Thank you, so very much - May God bless you richly as you are His hands and feet!
    Patty Reilly

  5. Oh Drea! Runaway tears are sliding down my cheeks. We are so very thankful that you are here. You are making such a dent in our community and it will be hard to let you go on Friday. Thank you for the nights of little sleep . . . for the tears shed on behalf of the women here . . . and the prayers offered up for all of us!

